Carlos Reyes is an Irish-American poet blessed with a Hispanic name. He is the bard of Cloonanaha (County Clare, Irleand) and a poet in Portland, Oregon. Carolyn Kizer has said:
Mr. Reyes is one of our local and national treasures. His poetry is as clear and strong as his social conscience. One is always struck by his sensual and sensory qualities: the touch, taste, feel, color of things, and his ability to capture a mood, a world, in a handful of lines.
--for Tonja Larsen and Judy Fisher
At the bar words in Irish
sough between publican and customer.
He looks our way, a fisherman up
since six this morning,
abandons his half-finished pint.
Foam slides down the glass
Foam slides down the glass
like the tide falling away
from the stone quay a mile from here.
Uncertain of his landlegs, he staggers
away toward hearth.
We finish Guinnesses at our ease,
return to the carpark.
A man sells mussels from a burlap bag
out the boot of his car.
On the road through Letterfrack village
the freshly laid tarmacadam sizzles:
smoke and fog burn away
the soft evening sky.
the soft evening sky.