Two award-winning Minnesota poets on tour.
Dobby Gibson's poetry has appeared in Ploughshares, Fence, Iowa Review, New England Review, and Conduit, among other publications. He is the author of Polar, published by Alice James Books in 2005, which won the 2004 Beatrice Hawley Award. He is the recipient of a poetry fellowship from the McKnight Foundation. He has also won an Associated Writing Programs Intro Journals Award, and his creative writing has been featured on Minnesota Public Radio's weekly arts broadcast, Word of Mouth. He lives in Minneapolis on the west bank of the Mississippi River.
Steve Healey is the author of the poetry collection, Earthling, published by Coffee House Press in 2004. Earthling, examines the pitfall, pratfalls and particular beauty of being an Earthling, that is, human in a culture of alienation and contradiction. It both celebrates and critiques our brave new hypermodern world. Healey teaches writing to prisoners in several Minnesota Correctional Facilities and is Associate Editor of Conduit Magazine. His poems have appeared in numerous journals, including American Poetry Review, Fence, jubilat, Open City, and Verse. Born in Washington, D.C., he now lives in Minneapolis, also on the west bank of the Mississippi River.
photo of Dobby Gibson by George Byron Griffiths
photo of Steve Healey by Mark Wojahn